Sunday, November 08, 2009

They call me...

So, the dryer pretends it's a magician--in a Woody-Allen, garage-hobby kinda way. This puff began as Tom's sock, but, as is apt to happen with semi-professionals, something went terribly wrong. BTW, this black magic is the result of ONE batch of practically-clean-made-out-of-only-the-tightest-fibers clothes. Our task was to remove this testament to don'ttrythisathome in one piece and preserve it for you, internets. Your job, to offer the best tagline for our photos. Begin!


Socrates said...

Apparently your Dryer is not PETA friendly, so give the poor thing an honorable burial and perhaps no charges will be filed against you...

Pithy said...

from welovepithy29:

toupe or not toupe...?

Pithy said...

from pithy'sbiggestfan14:

"From the Donald Trump Collection"

Pithy said...

from everythingpithy:

Lintor Truffles...

Pithy said...

from whatwouldpithydo:

Laundry that talked Chuck Norris.

The smurfs meet Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris toe lint.

Pithy said...

from prudie'spal:

Yo mama's so poor she uses her lint for handtowels.

Pithy said...

from tom&jerry2012:

"Hit me...*heavy breathing**heavy heavy breathing* more time...*heavy heavy heavy breathing*...*coughing*...*gagging sounds*...eww. Oops, I did it again..."

Unknown said...

Rabbit fur, Jay style.

Marie said...

This is what you feed the dryer? Hmmm, interesting. Does it perform better??

Pithy said...

This is what the dryer gives us back...cuz it loves us so much...and because it has indigestion.

Pithy said...


Aren't they supposed to put that stuff on a cute little key chain or something?--for good luck?