Harry Potter
Expeliarmus! Now, Pithy is as anti-Twilight as the next person...and the first knock-off Harry was quite charming. *British accent* "Look, it's Harry Potter!" A nice little hearkening back to our youth. But then the fourth, the twelfth, the eighteenth, and the casting spells at the sidewalk--the ever-present reminder that the theater department is truly from ANOTHER PLANET. In our not so humble opinion, Pithy suggests that we need...well, less crazy people.
Lady Gaga
GenEd studies are particularly taxing for Jerry. Humans like to feel safe--secure, in control of their environments. This is why we choose majors and place around ourselves others who, through the same interests, act in predictable patterns--the Universe has declared it so. GenEd classes mess with this decree of the Universe. They are an amalgam of every walk of life--Nursing students, Math students, Music students, English students, Art students, Education students....theater students. Settling into Spanish oral exams, Jerry dons his usual querulous expression and watches. The assignment was simple--construct a situation that discusses several celebrities; you can use a talk show if you like. Perky girls gravitate towards each other on such assignments--and said perky group is currently presenting. Let me stress--there are FIVE girls in this group. FIVE FIVE FIVE. This then begs the question, "Why, when there are FIVE girls in this group, was the only guy nominated to play the role of Lady Gaga?" Lady Gaga! Does this offense know no bounds? If you were wondering, yes those feathers, and that wig, and that halter top, and those stilettos, and the tramp tattoo covering your back (yes we can see it) make you look like a total !@#$...
Feet Painting
Prudie is in this class called Arts Retrospective. It explores the development of the various art forms. However, SUU is sooo cutting edge its students pioneer their own art forms. One such form, captures our number six slot. The group moves to the front of class--"We are reenacting a episode of Laugh it Up, and plan to conduct the entire presentation in bare feet--running in paint on butcher paper. We hypothesize a piece of unspeakably beautiful art will be the result. BRILLIANT!" The professors present dubious expressions and possible catastrophes. These are waived off--"We brought a tarp!" They commence to squirt--not delicately spread--SQUIRT the paint bottles, like ketchup and mustard, all over the precariously covered floor. The presentation consists of running around a cardboard wall--on a super slick surface...Prudie sits back as this can only mean one thing. Sure enough, a particularly mobile girl (the voice of the group, in fact) rounds the corner and (let me see if I can spell this Ipicturedthatgoingsodifferentlyinmymind moment)--shwshwshwshloooophmph! She lands in a perfect impression of a dogsled. In a flash of paint--like something from that nineties remake of Peter Pan--she uprights herself, to discover there has been no provision made to remove the group's wet feet to their shoes. Brain over. Insert coin.
Coming Up: Cookie Stealer, 50 Going On..., and The Crack of Dawn
Big Red
4 weeks ago
No. College does not ome without it's crazy people. I've found there's no safe place! You think music major....whoa, they're as bad as theater majors, and nothing compares to English majors! Trust me, you even get your odd balls in the elementary education department: yes, I said it. I love being normal!
It is a nice relief to know that IF you break, and that's a pretty big if, you'll fit right in just about anywhere :D
Oh to feel secure!
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